Billy Boyd will help to launch a website for young carers, who are children and young people who take on caring roles and responsibilities that are usually associated with adults. As a result they often miss out on schooling and time with their friends.
Funded by the Scottish Government and created by The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, Eryc and Trayc are cartoon characters who are young carers and who have their own website, www.erycandtrayc.com. Through the website, children can find out what young carers do, what challenges they face and where to get further help and support.
Billy will be also doing a voiceover for a short animated children’s film, which takes place during Carers Week 2011 and which is about the Eryc and Trayc’s lives and the challenges they face.
Billy Boyd said: “I was delighted to provide a ‘voice’ for Scotland’s young carers. So many children of this age miss out on schooling and enjoying time with friends because they are caring for someone who can’t manage without their support. I am confident that the new film and website about young carers will raise awareness of the issue, and show teachers and young carers where they can get further help.”
Source: Boyd-Oh-Boyd
For more information, check out articles at:
All Media Scotland
Daily What
STV news
(the latter includes a video interview)
I'm glad to see that Boyd-Oh-Boyd is still doing such a fantastic work for all Billy's fans.