
Thursday 13 January 2011

Hello post

Given the current demands on my ever-dwindling free time, I hadn’t planned on taking on another project this year, but when I read Saba’s farewell post, I was prompted to volunteer. This blog has been a wonderful source of information over the last three years, and I felt that it would be a great shame to see it discontinue. I have therefore offered to take over, and I only hope that I can do so in a manner that will uphold this blog’s excellent reputation.

To begin with, though, I will need to make some small changes in order to manage the blog, the Facebook page, and the Twitter account.

First of all, the most noticeable change will be the posting of updates that include several items of news rather than one, although I will maintain the tradition of posting about each actor individually.

Secondly, I will need to pare down the number of accounts followed on Twitter, purely for time-management purposes. I hope that no-one will be offended if they suddenly find themselves unfollowed by @ScottishActors; it’s nothing personal, but simply that I don’t have time to read through the timefeed of over 960 fellow tweeters!

Thirdly, I will need your help, dear reader, in finding new sites and blogs etc that are dedicated to our wonderful Scottish Actors. If you find any that are not already listed in the ‘Links’ on the right hand side of this page, please let me know.

Finally, I would like to thank Saba for creating and maintaining this excellent blog, and for helping me take these first tentative steps in her shoes. She’s a tough act to follow, but I hope I can make her proud.

Thank you.


  1. So glad this will continue! Thanks for taking up the challenge

  2. This is great news! I'm so happy that the blog will live on! You should introduce yourself though and tell us your name. :-) I work in social media with authors & musicians and I'd just like to tell you that you don't have to even try to read everything that all the people you follow post! That's unrealistic for anyone. I wouldn't stop following anyone unless they're tweeting stuff that's uninteresting to you. You want to try to maintain a good ratio between followers and followees so that you can keep attracting more followers (I hope that makes sense to you).

    Wishing you all the best as you take on the leadership here! Many thanks to you!


  3. Wonderful news, thank you for doing this! I'm sure you can be as good as Saba.


  4. i think this is fantastic news. thank you for taking up the baton ☺

  5. Thank you all for your support :-)

    scullylovepromo - after some further thought, and your suggestion, I won't now be unfollowing any accounts on Twitter. I can't hope to read every Tweet, but I can still keep track of the relevant ones ;)
