
Monday 20 September 2010

'Law and Order: SVU' sneak peak

Some new Law & Order: SVU clips with Henry Ian Cusick have been unveiled. Part of the now extended third clip was released a few weeks back. Law & Order's two-hour season premiere airs on September 22.

You can also check out some of Henry Ian Cusick's interviews over at and The Daily Record. Excerpts from these interviews are below.

How does your character and Benson become involved in your episodes? And is he really in to her because they say he's going to be a romantic interest or is there an ulterior motive there?

Henry Ian Cusick: Very early on in the episode you see Benson and my character, Erik Weber, who is a graphic artist; you see them meet and there's a bit of flirtation. Certainly from Erik Weber's point of view he's very interested in Benson and I think it becomes a bit of a rivalry between Stabler and Weber. So yes, there's definitely some - there's definitely an interest -- a strong interest -- from Erik Weber and the Benson character, yeah. []

And although he's got a two episode guest role in Law & Order SVU, he's not wanting to jump into something too big or too long which won't compare to the fun and adventure he had in one of the most talked about shows of the past decade.

He said: "I've learned that this experience is a one-off, and it won't happen again.

"I'm sad to see it end because it's been such a beautiful experience. I feel like I'm part of television history. [Rick Fulton]

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