
Thursday 30 July 2009

Sir Sean Connery to come out of retirement?

Sean Connery will narrate a film about war veteran, Ken McGinley's fight against the military. McGinley won a landmark case when he was allowed to "sue the British Ministry of Defence on behalf of thousands of servicemen who were exposed to nuclear testing on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean."

Over 1,000 soldiers claimed that they and their children were affected by cancer and other ailments, because of exposure to radiation in tests that took place over 50 years ago.

Connery even wrote a letter highlighting his interest in bringing the story, told by McGinley in his book 'No Risk Involved: The Ken McGinley Story: Survivor of a Nuclear Experiment', to the big screen.

He wrote: "It is a shocking history of events. I have already made my opinion regarding the possibility of filming the book written by Mr. McGinley.

"I am more than interested to see the end result and would be prepared to do the narration." [CelebEdge]


1 comment:

  1. this is awesome news, I hope he ends up doing it! I miss Sean Connery...!
