
Monday 2 February 2009

Three Days of Rain trailer

Someone from IMDB point us to the trailer with James McAvoy giving a little interview. Three Days of Rain debuted on Jan. 30 in London. I also want to thank all the people for leaving comments and sending e-mails wishing me well while I was sick. Thanks guys.

Anyway, here is the trailer:



  1. Ahhhh --- I'd rather have THREE DAYS of James -- but 3 seconds is well worth tuning in for ! THANKS ! (Another movie I have to 'sweat out' and hope comes HERE !)

    Glad you are back & feeling well !

  2. Thanks! Maybe they will bring the play to the US so more people can watch. Not that I could see it anyway, but more people could get to watch James at least.

  3. Ack - it's a PLAY ?? Not a movie ?? What kind of PLAY has a 'trailer' !! Grrrrrr....

    Sigh... but then, I couldn't afford to go see Daniel Radcliff on Broadway anyhow ! (And was not HERE when Hugh Jackman was !) Still... hoping that Ewan or Gerry will get the Phantom sequel !

  4. It's sort of baffling that they have a trailer but I guess they wanted to attract a bigger audience. Though having James McAvoy probably does that :)

    I hope you get to see the Phantom sequel somehow. *prays to theater gods*
