
Wednesday 30 July 2008

James McAvoy being sexy

Enjoy these lovely photos of James from the August issue of Arena magazine. Just click on the images to make them larger.



  1. Have MERCY.... will ya !

    Just what I needed after 'sneaking' out last night to see WANTED again! (It's only playing one evening show now, and Thursday is the last day! ** snif **)

    He looks very 'Johnny Depp - ish' in these photos... and delicious... but I think I still prefer when he smiles! :-)

  2. The theater only kept Wanted for a month? That doesn't seem like very long.

    I should feel bad about liking the photo of James smoking, but he looks very gorgeous in it...sigh.

  3. WANTED actually did very well -

    On the 'money' list just after the 'major' Blockbusters! The trouble is, even with 17 screens, there are always so many new ones coming out each week! 'Iron Man' lasted 14 weeks, that's the longest this year so far.

    Sigh... I know what you mean... but all those 'Brit' boys DO seem to smoke don't they?

  4. Wanted seemed to have done pretty well overall.

    British guys seem to smoke a lot but if Ewan can quit then there's hope for the rest of them hopefully.
