
Thursday 15 May 2008

Scottish films at the Festival de Cannes

May is pretty much Cannes Film Festival month (this year it runs from May 14 to May 25), which is huge for the film industry. Indie films New Town Killers starring Dougray Scott and Stone of Destiny starring Billy Boyd will be represented at the festival. The production team of New Town Killers will try to sell the film and attendees can view a promotional screening at their office at the festival, while a filmmaker from Stone of Destiny will be on a panel about producing and making films in Scotland.

I'm not sure if Stone of Destiny will actually be screened at Cannes because there are reports that its world premier will be at the 62nd Edinburgh International Film Festival (June 18 to June 29) where it will be competing for the UK Film Council-sponsored Michael Powell Award for Best British Feature. Here's a synopsis of Stone of Destiny from Newsahead:

The Anglo-Canadian film is the story of Ian Hamilton, a dedicated nationalist who reignited Scottish national pride in the 1950s with his daring raid on the heart of England to bring the Stone of Scone back to Scotland. Often referred to as the Stone of Scone, it was the stone upon which all monarchs of Scotland were crowned from the very first King back in 847. After a long and colorful history, it ended up back in Edinburgh Castle 11 years ago and still resides there.

You can read a synopsis of New Town Killers in a previous post.

Source: Dougray Scott Unplugged, Boyd oh Boyd, iofilm, Newsahead

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